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Jeep Rubicon TV/ Radio/ Lantern / mosquito repeller

Jeep Rubicon
TV / AM / FM / Weatherband, Flashlight, Fluorescent Lanterns, A/V Inputs

Part #: JJCLTV

I just wandering (being dragged) through the local Linens and Things store and just happened to look over in the radio section and noticed this Jeep Rubicon TV.  Hmm I really needed something in case the power went out during a Hurricane.  I also wanted something really cool for those camping trips and Yes, camping with your son in the backyard is a camping trip.  Besides, it was clearance for $60 and I (cough, cough, wife) had a 20% off coupon.  So out the door it went.

This portable Jeep "Jerry Can" TV/Flashlight/Lantern/Radio is weather resistant with heavy-duty construction.  There is a retractable grab handle, 5" Black & White TV, AM/FM/WB backlit analog radio, and a powerful adjustable, removable flashlight.  Multi-position twin tube fluorescent lantern.  Emergency flasher and reflective "X" panel.  Compass/thermometer/analog clock/audible mosquito repellent. 

Power Requirements: AC adapter (included), Car cord (included) or 9 D Batteries (not included). 

Dimensions: 16.5"(including handle) x 10.5" x 7.25"

Additional Parts:
9 D-cell Batteries (Rechargeable optional)
4 AA cell Batteries (Rechargeable optional)

Tools Needed:

Here is a list of what it has on it:
Mosquito Repeller
Quartz Clock
Mini-storage area
Auxiliary Jacks so you can play your CD or IPOD via the speakers, or even input your own video signal to the TV.
Headphone Jack so you can ignore those around you, or gain some peace and quite from the kids.
AM/FM Radio
Weatherband Radio

There are a few power options for this.  The A/C outlet, 12volts from the car, or batteries. 

You can even install rechargeable batteries in the flashlight and main unit and have them recharge off the A/C or car.
The unit comes with an earphone jack and an Auxiliary jack, so that you can listen in private. You also have a selector switch between TV, Off and Radio. You can't listen to both at the same time.

The TV is pretty decent for a black and white, but will really only work until sometime in 2009 when the analog signal disappears to be replaced by full digital.  It takes a little patients to get it tuned in, but in an emergency it’s fine, and the kids think it’s really cool to try and get the clearest pictures.  Though the question “Dad was this what watching TV was like when you were young?”, might irritate you. There are jacks on the back for video and audio, so you can still plug in a video game or other items, to bad the audio is mono not stereo.

The TV channels are selectable via a switch for UHF / VH / VL.  The UHF channels are 14-83, VH 7-13, VL 2-6. 

If you need a better reception than the provided antenna, there is an included external TV antenna connection on the back of the box.

The Radio even plays nice on here, sorry it’s not hi-fi stereo, but pretty good.  It also has a switch for the desired band.&nbs16-Apr-2008

You have a selection of 3 weatherband frequencies to get the best reception in your area. They are listed in mhz on the switch above.

The siren is kind of loud and annoying being emitted from the speakers, don’t know what I would use it for, maybe to scare away the squirrels in the backyard, or wake up the campsite as you fumble for the flashlight in the middle of the night.

The blinker is another one of those what do I use this for items.  Probably good if I’m lost in the woods it might be pretty cool.

Mini-storage holds pretty much nothing, I managed to stuff the cables in there, but that’s about it.

Thermometer, okay if I’m hiking through the woods lugging this thing along I might need it, but the kids get a kick out of breathing on it and making it move on a cold night.

Compass, okay this is just a cheap compass that happens to actually work pretty good.  My digital compass on my watch is a lot better, but it doesn’t come with a TV.  Knowing which way is north while trying to get the best TV reception is important when trying to get the morning cartoons.

Mosquito repeller, okay this is more like a mosquito attractor, or irritator, didn’t seem to change the amount of mosquitoes in the area.  

Quartz clock, everyone needs to know what time it is, though accidentally turning on the siren in the middle of the night as you fumble for the flashlight on top isn’t a good thing.  Did I mention that the siren is loud and annoying.

Lantern operations.  The box comes equipped with 2 fluorescent tube lights on the back that pivot up and rotate so that you can have some decent lighting.  It’s not extremely bright, but you can read a map, or a book easily by the light.  They also make a good night light for those scary camping trips to the wild backyard.

Flashlight, yep that’s what it is.  You can turn it on with it still installed in the base and it will be powered by the base, or if you remove it the internal AA batteries.  It does provide a decent amount of light and is useful for that trip to the bathroom. It's kind of neat that it has a reflector on the back side.
Overall this is a pretty cool item for the price I paid. I'm certain it will continue to be more fun for the kids than me, but I might actually use it in the middle of a hurricane.


  N-m Ft. Lbs. In. Lbs.

This page last updated: 15-Apr-2008

Content and Design © 2002-present WanderingTrail,  Ronald Seegert
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