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Ram Mount


Part #:

I wanted to be able to carry my GPS in a readable position and mount my video camera to the dash. I have seen the beanbag and suction cup style mounts that Garmin has for their GPS's. Now these may work perfectly fine going down the road on the highway, but bouncing around off road they have a tendency to become a self-guided missile inside the cab. I have used Ram mounts on my boats at work so I started looking there. The nice thing about the Ram Mounts is that they are pretty much universal. All you need to do is buy a different attachment that clamps into the holder and you can change things around. They are constantly adding things to their list of applications. You almost feel like a kid in a candy store when you are looking through their web site.

Additional Parts:
Tools Needed:
Flat tip screwdriver
Phillips screwdriver


Here is what I ordered.
camera mount
Camera Mount for roll bar
gramin 76c mount
Garmin GPS 76C mount
I just attached the mounting ball to the roll cage. One went on the driver side for the Garmin and the other went in the center of the dash for the camera. The center mount does swivel up enough to clear an AiROCK controller. You will need to feed the hose clamp into the piece of rubber that comes with the kit so that you don't scratch the roll bar. Okay, it's really to give a better grip.
hose clamp
roll bar mount
For the Garmin just mount the ball to the back of the holder. I used the bottom holes for mine, but depending on how you want to mount it you can use either. install ball on garmin holder
The center piece for this is a spring loaded clamp that holds both balls. This is how it looks mounted. And if you look at the pictures you can imagine what it would look like if you rolled the jeep over onto it's driver side.
gps holder installed side view
gps holder installed front view
gps installed in holder
The camera mount goes in the same way. camera mount installed
This is what the camera looks like mounted. It does hold it very stable. I did discover a few interesting things about the camera mount. One being that opening it up and removing the tape requires you to remove the camera. And the other very hilarious thing is how many people go speeding buy and then slam on the brakes when they see the camera mount. I guess it looks like a mounted radar gun. Just my contribution to keeping the roads a little safer. camera installed on mount
When the mount isn't in use, I just fold it back against the roll bar for storage. camera mount folded

  N-m Ft. Lbs. In. Lbs.

This page last updated: 16-Apr-2008

Content and Design © 2002-present WanderingTrail,  Ronald Seegert
Common Sense and Safety should always be observed when working on your vehicle or doing modifications. Jackstands, wheel blocks, disconnecting the battery are a few of the basic safety precautions that should be used and may not be mentioned in the write ups on this site. You are responsible for your own installation, these write ups are a helpful guideline and should not be taken as an official installation instruction. My write up may be different from the kits currently out there, so alwasy double check the manufacturers installation instructions when installing anything. I try to keep the site up to date with changes that have occured as I discover them, but may not have the latest unless someone lets me know. If you feel that an install is above your capabilities after reading my write ups, I recommend getting together with a club and getting some help. Only a few times have I needed to employe some actual help from a shop to get something done. Usually welding or A/C work. While I have spent many years working on mechanical systems, I am not an expert, nor do I pretend to be one. I hope these write ups have been useful to you.
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